About us
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, which implements the state policy of the President of Turkmenistan in the field of agriculture and environmental protection, is a body engaged in the development of agriculture in accordance with the realities of the present, as well as food security and environmental protection, land relations and hydrometeorology. The Ministry coordinates the activities of ministries, subordinate governing bodies, all institutions-enterprises regardless of the type of ownership in the successful implementation of programs aimed at the development of agriculture, environmental protection, rational use of natural and land resources, hydrometeorology and food security, studies and widely uses international practice, modern technology. The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, which implements the state policy of the President of Turkmenistan in the field of agriculture and environmental protection, is a body engaged in the development of agriculture in accordance with the realities of the present, as well as food security and environmental protection, land relations and hydrometeorology.
About us

The main goal of the state policy, led by our esteemed President, is aimed at increasing the production of agricultural products, strengthening the economic power of our country, improving the living conditions of our population. In the era of the power and happiness of our country, a wide scope of work is being carried out to modernize and develop our country's agriculture, reduce the amount of imported goods by ensuring an abundance of agricultural products, ensuring food abundance in our Motherland, and consistently improving the living standards of rural workers.

In order to increase the productivity of sowing, modern methods are being introduced and special attention is paid to providing peasants with high quality seeds. As a result, the amount of grain, cotton and other agricultural products produced in our country is growing every year.

Also, a wide scope of work is being carried out aimed at the development of animal husbandry, improvement of animal husbandry methods, improving the quality of livestock breeds and increasing their production. Currently, the Ministry includes the Environmental Protection Service, the Land Resources Service, the Hydro meteorological Service, the State Veterinary Service, the State Quarantine Service, the State Seed and Varieties Service, the Plant Protection Service, production associations for grain products, cotton and food products, technical service and livestock service.

An increase in the yield of agricultural sowing is carried out on the basis of a full-fledged work on the selection of seeds and the consistent introduction of innovative technologies into production. Work is underway to create and introduce new types of cotton, grain plants, vegetables and melons, fruit trees and other agricultural crops, plants with high yields, rapidly ripening plants that are resistant to diseases, and to prepare biological methods for protecting plants and animals, as well as the distribution of plant species according to the earth-weather conditions of the regions of our country. 

The production associations of the ministry's grain products in the regions provide wheat producers with high-quality seeds. The wheat harvest is timely accepted and stored without loss. Organizes the processing of harvested wheat, the production of flour, bread products, and also ensures their sale to the population.

In the processing of agricultural products in the industry of our country, new production enterprises are also involved, the existing ones are being modernized and equipped with modern technological equipment. As a result, in our country, the number and types of manufactured products that meet international standards and high quality are increasing. 

This, in turn, makes it possible to fully satisfy the population's need for food products and to further strengthen the food abundance of our country. At the same time, it is possible to increase the number of different types of high-quality agricultural products sent to foreign countries.

Grain industry

The process of adding food additive "Premix", obtained with admixtures of folic acid with iron sulfate, to the composition of the highest and first grade flour produced in grain products enterprises, which allows enriching the product with nutrients.

In order to ensure competitiveness, as well as to obtain the International Certificate of Quality (ISO-9001) and the Food Safety Certificate (HAACP) for flour, cereals, rice, bread produced by grain and bakery enterprises, contracts were signed with the Swiss company "SGS". 7 production enterprises of the ministry in January-March 2017 were awarded the above certificates.

Cotton industry

Regional cotton production enterprises of the Ministry carry out work on providing cotton producers with high-quality cotton seeds, timely acceptance of the cotton crop, supervision of the accepted cotton raw materials, storage of the crop without losses, processing, providing cotton products to textile enterprises of our country, as well as on the sale of these products in foreign markets.

Food industry

Regional food production enterprises of the Ministry carry out work on the production of high-quality, beautifully designed types of products that meet all international quality standards, the provision of high-quality food products to the markets and institutions-enterprises of our country, the cultivation and processing, storage of vegetables and fruits, as well as the preparation of technical specifications fresh food.

Maintenance industry

In order to strengthen the technical equipment of the agricultural complex, the volume of financial investments is increasing, aimed at the purchase of high-performance agricultural machinery and tools. And also, in our country, special attention is paid to work aimed at the production of agricultural tools and spare parts. Including planned conveyor production of low-volume agricultural machinery and tools. And this, in turn, will greatly assist in carrying out in due form and in due time agrotechnical measures in the cultivation of agricultural plants, in improving the quality of the technical services provided, as well as in obtaining a rich harvest from plants.

Regional technical support enterprises provide careful storage of agricultural machinery, as well as provide production and technical services to producers of agricultural products in our country.

In 2019, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection purchased and sent to the site plowing tractors, grain harvesting combines, tractor plows, grain loaders manufactured by the German company CLAAS. In addition, plowing tractors, grain picking and cotton harvesters, tractor plows manufactured by John Deere, cotton harvesters, cotton cultivators, sprayers manufactured in the Republic of Uzbekistan were purchased.

Livestock industry

In our country, special attention is also paid to the development of the livestock industry. In this area, the scope of work on watering pastures is expanding, and small watering structures are being built. The increase in livestock and livestock productivity is carried out by strengthening the supply of feed for the livestock industry, the proper performance of their seed production and veterinary services.

Livestock and poultry complexes are being built in the regions of our country, along with this, the production of meat, dairy products and eggs is increasing. The level of satisfaction of the population with these products is growing. The wide involvement of private producers of our country in work in this area continues.

Livestock farms of regional production associations carry out work to develop livestock, camel breeding and increase their livestock. They are engaged in overseeing the implementation by legal entities and individuals of the established rules for the use and protection of pastures.

The State Veterinary Service supervises compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules in places where livestock and poultry are kept. Carries out instructions to control the protection of the population from common human and animal diseases, as well as animal production that is safe for human health.

Environmental protection

In order to successfully implement the state environmental policy, led by the Dear President, in our country, appropriate work is being carried out to ensure environmental well-being, protect and increase the biodiversity of flora and fauna, rational use of natural resources, as well as greening our Motherland.

The Environmental Protection Service exercises state control over the work carried out in our country to protect, study, develop, enrich the rational use of natural resources, forests, biological diversity of the Karakum steppe, to turn our country into a blooming garden.

As soon as Turkmenistan became a full member of the UN, it entered several international environmental conventions. Among them are the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and its Montreal Protocol on Chemicals that Deplete the Ozone Layer, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous waste and their disposal, the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Mainly as Habitats of Waterbirds (Ramsar Convention), the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus convention), the Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea.

A wide scope of work to protect biological diversity, which is the natural wealth of our country, is primarily carried out by creating and expanding the boundaries of specially protected natural areas.

The National System of Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA) is aimed at improving, protecting, rational use of land and water resources, coastal zones and wetlands, these activities also ensure the protection and restoration of biodiversity.

The system of protected areas of Turkmenistan, which includes mountain, desert, marine ecosystems, includes 9 state nature reserves, 16 state reserves, as well as 2 natural monuments and occupies 4.38 percent of the country with an area of 2 152 360 hectares.

Land Resource Service

The Land Resources Service draws up proposals for the formation of a targeted state policy on land resources in our country and ensures its implementation. Carries out state control over the rational use of land resources and their protection, as well as organizes the introduction of the State Land Cadastre and monitoring the state of land. Registers in the prescribed manner acts on the transfer of land plots into possession, use, lease. 

Currently, the service is carrying out the relevant work on the introduction of the State Land Cadastre, the compilation of a map of high-water and new cultivated lands, the creation, introduction of a unified computerized system of data on land resources and their states, as well as its synchronization with the digital system.

In this area, the most modern technologies are being introduced and they regularly exchange experience with the developed countries of the world.