Turkmen Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection announces tender for the purchase of plant protection chemicals

The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan announces tender for the purchase of plant protection chemicals and sugar beet seeds for the following lots:

Lot №1 - Preparations for dressing wheat seeds

– Fumigants for the processing of grain and grain products in granaries

– Fumigants for quarantine measures

Lot №2 - Insecticides against pests of cotton

– Defoliants for cotton

– Cotton growth regulator

Lot №3 - Sugar beet seeds

– Insecticides against pests and fungicides against diseases of vegetable plants in greenhouses

Lot №4 - Herbicides against perennial weeds (bulrush)

To participate in the tender, parties must:

  • submit an application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, his legal status, country of registration, details and information about membership in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan;
  • get acquainted with the “Rules for conducting a tender for the selection of suppliers of chemicals for the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan”;
  • receive a package of tender documents after payment for each lot;
  • get the specification of lots and technical requirements.

Bids will be considered only after receipt of funds for participation in the current account.

Applications for participation in the tender are accepted at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan from 9.00 to 17.00 local time.

The deadline for submitting bids for all lots is within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of publication of the announcement.

Phones for information:

(+99312) 44-77-47

(+99312) 94-74-64

(+99312) 44-74-62



 Archabil Shayoly 92, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan announces international tender

The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan announces an international tender for the purchase of plant protection chemicals and sugar beet seeds for the following lots:

Lot №1 - Preparations for dressing wheat seeds

Lot №2 - Insecticides against pests of cotton, cotton bollworm and pheromone trap, cotton defoliant, cotton growth regulator, pheromone trap for quarantine measures

Lot №3 - Sugar beet seeds

Lot №4 - Herbicides against perennial weeds (bulrush)

To participate in the tender, parties must:

  • submit an application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, his legal status, country of registration, details and information about membership in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan;
  • get acquainted with the “Rules for conducting a tender for the selection of suppliers of chemicals for the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan”;
  • receive a package of tender documents after payment for each lot;
  • get the specification of lots and technical requirements.

Bids will be considered only after receipt of funds for participation in the current account.

Applications for participation in the tender are accepted at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan from 9.00 to 17.00 local time.

The deadline for submitting bids for all lots is within 30 (thirty) business days from the date of publication of the announcement.

Phones for information:

(+99312) 44-77-47

(+99312) 94-74-64



 Archabil Shayoly 92, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan announces international tender

The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan announces an international tender for the selection of suppliers:

Lot №1 - For the supply of veterinary vaccines, laboratory chemical reagents, diagnostics and reagents that meet international standards

Lot №2 - For the supply of veterinary vaccines, disinfection and pest control products, laboratory equipment and diagnostic kits that meet international standards

Lot №3 - For the supply of veterinary medicinal products, zootechnical and veterinary equipment that meet international standards

All interested parties are invited to submit a written application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, its legal status, country of registration, details and contact numbers.

The account for the transfer of funds will be indicated when submitting a written application.

Bids will be considered only after receipt of funds for participation in the current account.

Applications for participation in the tender are accepted at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan from 9.00 to 17.00 local time.

The deadline for submitting bids for all lots is within 15 (fifteen) business days from the date of publication of the announcement.

Phones for information:



 Archabil Shayoly 92, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan announces an international tender

The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan announces an international tender for the selection of suppliers

Lot No. 1 – for the supply of veterinary vaccines, laboratory chemicals, diagnostic kits and reagents that meet international standards.

Lot No. 2 – for the supply of veterinary vaccines, disinfection and disinfestation products, laboratory equipment and diagnostic kits that meet international standards.

Lot No. 3 – for the supply of veterinary medicinal products, zootechnical and veterinary equipment that meet international standards.

All interested parties are invited to submit a written application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, its legal status, country of registration, details and contact phones.

An account for transferring funds will be provided upon submission of a written application.

Tender proposals will be considered only after receipt of funds for participation in the current account.

Applications for participation in the tender are accepted at the address: Ashgabat, st. Archabil, 92, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm local time.

The deadline for submission of tender proposals for all lots is within 30 working days from the date of publication of the announcement in the newspaper.

For more information, please call: +99312 44-77-47.


Turkmen Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan announces tender

Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan on behalf of the tender commission announces tender for the purchase of plant protection products of the following lots:

Lot № 1 - Herbicides against monocotyledonous cereals;

Herbicides against dicotyledonous weeds in crops of grain;

Herbicides against weeds in rice crops;

Fungicides against grain diseases;

Insecticides against wheat pests;

Lot № 2 - Preparations for the treatment of cotton seeds.

Lot № 5 - Insecticides against locusts.

To participate in the tender parties must:

  • submit application for participation in the tender indicating the full name of the participant, legal status, country of registration, details and information on membership in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan;
  • be familiar with the Rules of the tender for the selection of suppliers of chemicals for the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan;
  • receive package of tender documents after payment for each lot;
  • get the specification of the lot and technical requirements.

Packages with tender proposals will be considered only after the receipt of funds for participation in the current account.

Applications for participation in the tender are accepted at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan from 9.00 to 17.00 local time.

The deadline for submitting tenders for all lots is 30 business days from the date of publication of the announcement.

Information phones: (+99312) 44-77-47, 44-74-64.

 Archabil Avenue 92, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environment has announced a tender for the selection of suppliers

The Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan announces an international competition for the selection of suppliers.

Lot No. 1 - Delivery of special vehicles meeting the international standards required for the State Veterinary Service under the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan.

Lot # 2 - Delivery of veterinary medicines that meet international standards.

Lot No. 3 - Delivery of veterinary laboratory equipment in accordance with the international standards required for the State Veterinary Service under the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan.

Lot No. 4 - Delivery of diagnostic and chemical reagents meeting the international standards required for the State Veterinary Service under the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan.

Lot No. 5 - Delivery of special vehicles meeting the international standards required for the Environmental Protection Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan.

Lot No. 6 - Delivery of laboratory equipment and measuring instruments that meet international standards required for the Environmental Protection Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan.

Lot No. 7 - Delivery of diagnostic and chemical agents meeting the international standards required for the Environmental Protection Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan.

Stakeholders are encouraged to submit a written application to participate in the competition, which shows the full name, legal status, country of registration, details and contact details of the participant. After the written application, the invoice will be issued for the transfer of funds.

Bids submitted to participate in the competition will be considered only after the money has come from the ministry.

The bidding documents will be accepted in a sealed package with a complete tender proposal approved by the seal.

The bid proposal must be prepared in accordance with the list specified in the bidding documents package. The bidding documents must contain the electronic form of the questionnaire, the basic terms of the contract (in Word form) and the technical and economic specification (in Excel form).

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted from 9:00 to 17:00 local time.

The last day of submission is 30 days from the date of publication of the notice in the newspaper.

Contact Phones: 44-77-47; 44-78-30; 94-12-04.

Email: minagri@online.tm;

 92 Archabil Avenue, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan







The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection has announced a tender for the purchase of the necessary funds

The Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan announces a tender on behalf of the bidding team for the following lots:

Lot No. 1 - Means for wheat seed preparation

Lot No. 2 - Cotton seed preparation equipment; insecticides, cotton swabs and pheromone traps against cotton pests; cotton defolianty.

Lot No. 4 - Herbicides against perennial weeds (reeds).

Lot No. 3 - Sugar Beet Seed (Portland).

To participate in the tender:

to participate in the competition must submit the full name of the participant, the legal status, the country of registration, the requisites and a certificate of Turkmenistan's membership in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;
Familiarize yourself with the “Rules of Procurement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan for the Selection of Chemical Suppliers”;
pay for each lot and receive a bundle of competition documents;
must obtain lot characteristics and technical requirements.
The tender proposal package begins to be analyzed after the transfer of funds to the account.

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan from 9.00 to 17.00 local time.

Competitive bids for all lots are accepted within 30 business days from the date of publication of the notice.

Contact Phone: (+99312) 44-75-51.

 92, Archabil Avenue, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection announces tender for plant protection

The Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Turkmenistan announces a tender for the purchase of plant protection products on behalf of the tender team:

Lot No. 1 - Herbicides against single-grain grains;

Herbicides against double-sided weeds in grain sowing;

Herbicides against weeds in rice cultivation;

Fungicides against cereals;

Insecticides against wheat pests;

Micro fertilizer for wheat.

Lot No. 2 - Cotton Seed Damage.

Lot No. 5 - Insecticides against locusts.

To participate in the tender:

to participate in the competition must submit the full name of the participant, the legal status, the country of registration, the requisites and a certificate of Turkmenistan's membership in the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs;
Familiarize yourself with the “Rules of Procurement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan for the Selection of Chemical Suppliers”;
pay for each lot and receive a bundle of competition documents;
must obtain lot characteristics and technical requirements.
The tender proposal package begins to be analyzed after the transfer of funds to the account. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan from 9.00 to 17.00 local time.

Competitive bids for all lots are accepted within 30 business days from the date of publication of the notice.

Contact phones: (+99312) 44-77-47, 44-74-64.

 92, Archabil Avenue, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan