The number of leaders in the cotton harvesting campaign grows

The number of etraps - the leaders of the cotton harvesting camapaign, which has entered its final stage, grows with every passing day. So, on November 9, the agricultural workers of the Baherden and Kaakhka etraps of the Ahal velayat, the Sayat and Dyanev etraps of the Lebap velayat, Magtymguly etrap of the Balkan velayat, the Gubadag etrap of the Dashoguz velayat and the Tahtabazar etrap of the Mary velayat reported on the fulfillment of their contractual obligations.

The success achieved by cotton growers is the result of the joint efforts of all agricultural workers and the logical result of large-scale transformations carried out in the industry within the framework of the agrarian reform initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The rational use of land and water resources, the regional specialization of the agro-industrial complex, the systematic introduction of the elements of market relations into the practice, and a number of other relevant aspects have received a new understanding and concrete embodiment in the modern agrarian policy of Turkmenistan.

The agricultural sector is provided with wide support, which is expressed in the technical re-equipment and modernization of the entire production infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex, the development of the chemical industry, which provides rural areas with mineral fertilizers, and the solution of land reclamation issues. For the needs of the agro-industrial complex, modern tractors, combines and other equipment are systematically purchased.

High mechanization and automation of labor is a key aspect of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production and the quality of life of farmers. Purposeful steps in this area made it possible to raise the prestige of working specialties in rural areas, attract young specialists and improve the employment of the population.

The equipment of such world famous companies as CLAAS, John Deere among others is effectively used in the fields of the country. With every passing year, due to designers and development engineers, it becomes more improved, more productive and more convenient to operate.

Harvesting campaign continues, daily, tons of "white gold" are delivered to the receiving points of the country. Agricultural workers should accelerate the paces of the important agricultural campaign in order to cope with the important tasks set by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to increase cotton wealth of the country in the name of further improving the well-being of our people.

«Turkmenistan: Golden age»
